Privacy-First Productivity Tracking

On-Site, Hybrid, or Remote—Put Your Teams in Peak Performance Mode.

Pulse’s productivity tracking dashboard displaying a toggle tab for different teams, with a graph that plots individual team members' performance based on time versus productivity, and a pie chart breaking down the team's produced, consumed, and idle time.

Unlock Full Potential

Optimize Workloads, Ensuring Everyone Is Engaged but Not Overwhelmed.

Personal productivity dashboard for Sarah Taylor in Pulse, highlighting an 89% productivity card, a circular graph of her activity distribution, and a detailed list of her app usage with associated productivity metrics for design and development tools.

Privacy by Design

In Pulse, User Data is Private and Control is Personal. Our AI Performs
On-Device Analysis, Ensuring No Sensitive Information Ever Reaches the Cloud.

Privacy configuration panel within Pulse's settings displaying 'Do Not Track' options, where users can specify which apps and websites should not be tracked, including iMessage, YouTube, and Spotify, each with a lock icon indicating privacy mode is enabled.

Integrated Leave Management

Simplify Time-Away Through an Intuitive Interface, Providing a
Centralized System for Managing Leave Requests, Policies, and Holidays.

Pulse’s leave management dashboard displaying a list of leave requests from the Engineering team, with details such as name, duration, type of leave, and notes. Tom Keen’s request is awaiting approval, with options to 'Approve' or 'Deny'.

Transcend Geographical Boundaries

Attract and Retain Global Talent While Maintaining the Highest Level of Productivity.

World map highlighting the geographic locations of team members in a global distribution, indicated by profile icons, representing the diverse and international nature of the team.